05 setembro, 2009

Would someone, please?...

07 agosto, 2009

Her Morning Elegance

E, sim, a rabugice também faz parte da "elegância matinal"!... :)


03 agosto, 2009

Sabe bem...

...estar contemplativamente sentada na baía de Cascais numa noite tranquila de Verão com os meus headphones e a melhor música para o momento, e ver aparecerem rostos amigos um por um.

...receber e dar um abraço já com alguma saudade, ou mesmo aqueles pequeníssimos momentos em que sentimos que o afecto vem todo ao de cima mas o que sai é um controlado e envergonhado "já tinha saudades tuas".

...rever todos os locais que conheço como a palma da mão, mas com outros olhos e um sorriso na cara.

...ser "bem-vinda".

...relembrar bons momentos.

...ter histórias para contar e quem goste de as ouvir.

...um pequeno-almoço de travesseiros em Sintra.

...parar no Guincho em boa companhia, com boa música e boa conversa intercalada com silêncios amigos e confortáveis apenas para olhar lá para baixo para contar a velas de windsurf e os carneirinhos das ondas.

...partilhar um gelado e guloseimas.

...sentir-me diferente para melhor.

...renovar e dar nova cara ao espaço que é meu.

...ter novas ideias.

...conversar e partilhar experiências com gente nova porque no fim de contas fomos e somos cúmplices em algo.

...ser Verão, estar Sol e a vida parecer mais fácil.

...gargalhadas durante um óptimo passeio nocturno por ruas velhas empedradas e junto ao mar.

...planos de férias com amigos.

Sabe bem...

... estar de volta.

02 agosto, 2009


"... ir por aí sem nada que me prenda."

Enquanto o meu rumo me procura. Partir.

27 julho, 2009

Home, sweet Home :)

19 julho, 2009

So Long, Mexico!!!

After a sweet backpack trip that lasted a week,

(La Havana, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, Cozumel)

we now say...

SO LONG Mexico, HEY HEY HEY!!!!! :)

(not the original videoclip - but only this one was found)

The bus drives over on a mellow scene
We've done this five nights and tomorrow's free
Oh I say, tomorrow's free
And I seem to meet it in the morning and no sleep
But I can't keep myself from wandering
Next night happened at Montreal
And when it rains I guess it pours
Oh I say, when it rains it pours
And we go down into the
Saint street keeping our feet off the ground
Till we find ourselves at breakfast in our super town

So long, hey hey hey
Though I'd see you all again
So long, hey hey hey!

The bus drives yonder in the morning light
Look out of the window baby and what a sight, we say
Well hey hey hey!

I now a girl who's got eyes on her feet
So when she starts dreaming she roams
And she'll know where she's going
She looks alright, that's Romina she's dancing on the speakers
And speaking of moving Ruben's places started
Jumping with all the campisis

So long, hey hey hey
Though I'd see you all again
So long, hey hey hey!

Thursday was solid and Friday's cool
Saturday was messy in the best way possible
Sunday should be for rest but these
Cats on the corner and I can't keep my chest from a
Rumbling the same way it did when I was young and blessed

So long, hey hey hey
Though I'd see you all again
So long, hey hey hey!
The bus drives yonder in the morning light
Look out of the window baby, what a sight, we say
Well hey hey hey!

So long, hey hey hey
Remember me and I will feel OK, now baby



... e para abrir o apetite, deixo-vos com um cheirinho de parte das nossas vacaciones em:

La Habana, Cuba

See you back home!!! :)

17 julho, 2009


...oh how I miss your misty kisses!

(not the original videoclip - but only this one was found)

I’ve got the clouds on a string
That I pull with my little finger elegantly
What is this oh what’s this music on the breeze
It sounds like all my holidays when my father used to say:
‘Let’s go down to the beach’
And we’d go down to the beach
My little sisters and me

Sometimes a man can feel like he is just a puppet
And the wind blows him here and blows him there
But when I kiss you my dear
I feel like a buccaneer
And water makes its music everywhere

Oh how I miss your misty kisses
Oh what expressionless bliss
Is this? Is this? Is this?

I’ve got the sky in my eyes
As I lie on my back in the deep blue sea
What is this, oh what could this strange feeling be?
It feels like ay ay ay ay ay
It feels like:
It feels like...
I don’t know what it feels like
But it feels right

Sometimes a man is like an ice-cream in a desert
And he wonders what is it we seek?
Like water runs through your fingers
Memories rise up from the deep.


já não falta muito... :)